sheepskin coat

sheepskin coatsheepskin coat
  1. This sheepskin coat becomes him .


  2. If he dropped into water , he had a new wadded pants , and one sheepskin coat .


  3. They had nested in his sheepskin coat once .


  4. The next day Peter and his servant were given safe conduct , and Pougatcheff gave Peter a horse and a sheepskin coat for the journey .


  5. Nationalities in Yunnan still preserve the habit of a tail attaching to clothing or a tail preserving on the sheepskin coat due to the totemism influence .


  6. Could it have been Keira Knightley ? The actress told recently of her guilt at splashing out ? 2,795 on a Burberry sheepskin coat .


  7. Dressed in a sheepskin coat , with a fur cap on his head and his mouth bound up with a handkerchief , he seemed paler and thinner than ever .
